Buku : The Response of The Ulama Dayah

The Response of The Ulama Dayah to the Modernization of Islamic Law in Aceh
Buku: The Response of The Ulama Dayah to the Modernization of Islamic Law in Aceh
The Response of The Ulama Dayah to the Modernization of Islamic Law in Aceh
Buku: The Response of The Ulama Dayah to the Modernization of Islamic Law in Aceh

Judul Buku : The Response of The Ulama Dayah to the Modernization of Islamic Law in Aceh.

Editor : M. Hasbi Amiruddin

Penerbit : Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, BANGI

Tebal Halaman : 93 hlm

Tahun Terbit : 2005

ISBN : 967-942-687-4

Sinopsis : The response of the Ulama Dayah to the modetnization of islamic law in Aceh. Historically the dynamics of the intellectuals that took place in Aceh brought about significant impacts on science in the archipelago or event in Southeast Asia. This occured because the Acehnese scholars at that time incessantly made attempts to take initiatives to deal with the challenges confronting the community. Since the initial stage of the advent of Islam in Aceh, the Islamic scholars had played a vital role in various aspects of the life of the Acehnese socienty. During the period before the advent of the European colonists, the scholars had played a role as models who made efforts on developing Islamic traditions of science. Hence, there were a large number of them who spread the Islamic teachings to other regions in Southeast Asia.

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