Report: Survey Of Aceh Corruption Barometer


Aceh Province has experinced many changes since tsunami 2004 and the signing of peace agreement between the government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in 2005. A number of funds that has distributed to Aceh in the frame of rehabilitation and reconstruction post tsunami in one side are mercies that bring goodness for Aceh. Unfortunately, on the other hand it is also creates various problems related to corruption.

The other program of reintegration post conflict-particularly the reintegration of ex GAM into the community and the reintegration between ex GAMdo not work in harmony. It is suspected that many elements of Ex-GAM who could not adapt to the peace life nowadays. This makes them to take shortcut by pressure the officers of local government in order to win reconstruction projects. This situation is unfavorable for Aceh in speeding its development. However to understand the real situation behind the existing development that related to the reconstruction programme post tsunami and the program of reintegration post conflict in Aceh, for sure it is needed to conduct analysis to existing data objectively and accountable. This reseach is conducted for these reasons.

This survey is aimed to obtain a description of Acehnese perception in the corruption cases that occured in the institution or the government board in Aceh province. Besides, the survey attempts to involve gender aspects, corruption case from the perspective of male and female percentage. To avoid bias, the selection of respondent is conducted in several clusters, namely University student/student cluster, goverment officer cluster (PNS), private officer cluster, public figure cluster and TNI or Polri cluster.

Survey Objectives:

The objectives of the survey is the Survey of Corruption Barometer in Aceh is intended to obtain a description of Acehnese perception which is believed will be represented by various existing elements, toward corruption that occured in institution or government board in Aceh Province level

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