Reintegrasi Dan Rekonsiliasi Di Aceh Timur


Reintegrasi Dan Rekonsiliasi Di Aceh Timur


This writing analyze reconciliation and reintegration in East Aceh. As an area which highest percentage of GAM return, East Aceh has some obstacles related to reintegration and reconciliation. First is GAM return tha challenges social cohesion which has been structured before. Can GAM members assimilate well to the established social system or structure? Second, there is reduction of meaning and purpose of reconciliation. While the Helsinkis MoU demands several things related to reconciliction, it is just assumed as a reintegration and ignoring the others, such as, human rights, governance system, creating conducive condition and so on. The next problem is about rehabilitation and compensation. Like other places in Aceh, the strategy of rehabilitation and compensation in East Aceh has focused more to allocate money to the opeding of plantation for the victims. The further problem for this is a budget. It needs much money that national or district level budget can not fulfill it.

This writing also examines some challenges to the successful of reconciliation and reintegration in East Aceh. There are three challenges; BRA Professionalism, the concrete adn standard derivation policy of rehabilitation, and the increasing of poverty and crimes.

Key Words: Aceh, East Aceh, post-conflict Activity, Reconciliation, Reintegration

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