Call For Paper : The International Conference on Zakat in Islamic Society


Organized by:
Journal of Media Syariah, Faculty of Shariah and Islamic Economy, the State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry, in collaboration with Baitul Mal Aceh, Banda Aceh, Indonesia August, 13-14, 2014

Call for Paper : The International Conference on Zakat in Islamic Society

    As one of the five pillars in Islam, zakat is believed by Moslem majority as not only a form of worship, but also a foundation of Islamic economic development in order to promote welfare of society.

    Zakat development in the Islamic world for the last decade has shown an impressive growth. This could be observed from the collection trend and the distribution coverage of zakat, which show a progressive increase.

    The resource of zakat is very appropriate in reducing the number of the poor in Indonesia and Islamic society generally. Based on the research that published by Baznas (Badan Amil Zakat Nasional) shown that the fund from zakat could be collected almost 300 trillion rupiah in a year. But this resource is not well managed yet, and the most of Islamic states society remained in poor situation.

    In this light, Baitul Mal Aceh, Indonesia in collaboration with Journal of Media Syariah, Faculty of Shariah and Islamic Economy, the State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry, Aceh will be organizing The International Conference on Zakat in Islamic Society.

    The conference will be held in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, August, 13-14, 2014. The theme of the conference is Enhancing Zakat as a Pillar of Islamic Civilization which will highlight on various problems and challenges faced in zakat development and management as well as to seek and find the solutions.

    Theoretical, empirical and policy papers using English, Arabic and Indonesia are invited to be submitted to the conference. The papers should be in line with, but not limited to, the following sub-themes:
    1. Enhancing productive zakat in local wisdom-based approach
    2. Optimalization of zakat management
    3. Islamic Philanthropy
    4. Strengthening the institution of zakat in reducing poverty in Islamic society
    5. The role of CSO in establishing social awareness
    6. Zakat for global welfare

    Paper Submission Details

    Those who want to present a paper are invited to submit full paper 5000-7000 words with abstract should be not less than 250 words and a short biographical paragraph of 150 words by 31 July 2014.

    Full papers should be submitted electronically to and
    All papers will be reviewed by a panel of academic committee. Papers approved by the academic committee will be presented in the conference.

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